Laser Dentistry Calgary, AB

Laser Dentistry An Overview

Laser dentistry has transformed the field of dentistry, especially in the way dentist handle cosmetic, restorative, and general dental treatments. Depending on the laser, they can be used to handle hard and soft tissues cases.

Dental lasers allow dentists to handle your dental concerns with great precision, better accuracy, and with a lower risk of complications. Dental lasers offer less invasive and more effective solutions for many common dental health problems.

At Foothills Dentistry, we use soft tissue lasers to assist in a wide range of general, cosmetic, and restorative dentistry treatments. When applicable, we will employ dental laser treatment as part of your treatment plan.

What Can Dental Lasers Treat?

Dental lasers are commonly used to treat gum disease, tooth decay, gummy smile, discolored teeth, gum contouring, soft tissue treatment, and a wide range of dental health conditions. In some cases, when compared to traditional methods of dental surgery, soft tissue lasers allows for less bleeding, faster healing, less pain, and may even eliminate the need for anesthesia.

The Benefits of Laser Dentistry

  • May reduce the amount of downtime needed after a procedure
  • Supports the body’s natural healing response and tissue regeneration
  • Reduces the risk of infection
  • Increased accuracy and efficiency
  • Minimizes bleeding and swelling after treatment
  • Less discomfort and pain associated with traditional methods
  • Adequately treat various stages of periodontal disease

Laser Dentistry What to Expect

Dental lasers help improve the overall patient experience. If we are using laser dentistry as part of your treatment plan, we will discuss all aspects of your care and answer any questions you may have. Lasers can be used from anything from teeth whitening to treating gum disease.

Dental lasers use light wavelength and concentrated energy to target soft tissues in the mouth. In some cases, a patient may forgo sedation dentistry because dental lasers gently and safely address your dental concerns.

This technology is ideal for gum work because it is designed to gently cut through soft tissue and seal visible blood vessels in the process. This process helps encourage the body’s natural healing response and minimize bleeding during your treatment. Soft tissue lasers are often used in cosmetic procedures and periodontal therapy treatments.

Whatever the case, patients who undergo laser dentistry can expect an easier and shorter recovery time. At Foothills Dentistry we may use laser dentistry to help address a wide range of oral or dental health concerns.

Are laser dental procedures less painful?

Any dental treatment is likely to involve some level of pain. However, when dentist uses a laser during treatment, the level of pain you will be in is much less. Additionally, a laser is more precise than any dental tool so the area that is being treated is considerably smaller.

How does laser dentistry help with dental anxiety?

Laser dentistry is the perfect treatment method for patients that suffer from dental anxiety or fear of the dentist. The treatment will be completed in a timelier manner. There is no cutting or suturing involved so this eliminates much of the pain involve. Additionally, the laser to fairly quiet and results in little blood. Overall, dental lasers will allow you to have an overall better experience.

Laser Dentistry FAQs

What dental procedures are most likely to use a laser?

Lasers can be used in the dentist’s office for both hard and soft tissue procedures. Hard tissue procedures are for things like cavities and fillings because the procedure focuses on the surface of the teeth. Lasers are more commonly used for soft tissue procedures. These involve gum work such as the treatment of periodontal disease.

Is there less pain involved with laser procedures?

The pain associated with laser dentistry is much less than the pain associated with other dental procedures. Using a laser to perform tasks that are typically done in a slightly abrasive manner eliminates the pain during and post operation. Laser dental procedures are also less likely to cause swelling and bleeding in the area.

How is it possible for a laser to be used for cavities?

Lasers can be used to find and fill cavities. Using the beam from the laser dentist is allowed precise control and can hit very small and specific places. With a laser dentists are able to find and fill your cavity without drilling and anesthesia.